How to Buy a Spanish Peacock Spindle

This page provides some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about buying a Spanish Peacock spindle. If your question is not addressed here, please reach out via our Contact Us page.

When do Spanish Peacock shop updates occur? 

The majority of Spanish Peacock shop updates are “stealth”updates, which means that no one knows ahead of time which day of the week or time the updates will occur. We try to vary the times and the days of the week so people in different time zones or with different schedules have the opportunity to stumble upon spindles for sale. If we announce updates ahead of time, customers with slower internet bandwidth or limited connectivity will always lose out. 

We also offer two lotteries: a “Fledgling” lottery for customers who have been unable to buy a spindle from the website; and a general “Stalk Free” lottery to allow the customers to purchase a spindle ahead of time from an update. When they are scheduled, the lotteries will be announced in our newsletter so make sure to subscribe. 

Why do you only show your sold out models of spindles?

Currently, our hand spindles sell out within a short period of time from when they are posted, leaving only sold out items on display. This at least allows customers to see what types of products we are currently selling, and what the price ranges are.

Is there a way to preorder a spindle? Do you take custom orders?

Unfortunately, due to the small size of our operation and the demand for our products, we are unable to take preorders or offer custom orders at this time.